Thursday, 5 September 2013


The spring barley was not sown especially early, but has done well this year with just enough rain to keep growth going at critical times.
There were some limited green patches in Osseker Crook where it had been eaten by slugs then remaining plants had tillered more - so that field had been sprayed with weak glyphosate about two weeks ago.

At the start of this week it all looked about ready but it was so windy on Monday the straw would have blown badly, so started on Tuesday afternoon.
Yields seem good with reasonable but not enormous amounts of straw.

I did headlands on both fields then started Osseker on day 1, all went well and I got four trailers full which is about 20 tons. Day 2 started OK, planning to finish Osseker and get a good part of the near field done so it would be easy to finish today 5th but that went out the window as after a few rounds a main drive belt flew off the pulleys and forward movement ceased!
It was fairly easy to slide back on and was OK for a few more rounds.
When I'd filled the trailer I came home and rang Sewards about it. Seems it is not so straightforward as order belt for Senator 60 - there are 4 different kinds and the safest way is to tell them teh machine serial number and measure the pulley diameter.
This is not easy as the shaft in the middle means a degree of estimation is involved.

I managed to nurse it the last few times round in Osseker - the last three rows had to be done downhill only and creep back up at low revs as it could only drive at operating speed downhill, or the belt just flew off every few yards!

 Anyway hopefully the correct belt is ordered but now it's after 5pm on Thursday and they still haven't arrived to fit it, so won't get much if any done today now.
Rain is forecast for tomorrow but next week now seems fair again but cooler, so no big deal. I got the straw baled up which is almost as important as the grain here.

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